This month we had the pleasure to sit down with Kilhan, one of our videographer and a big friend of the INDEE family. Let us introduce you the story of Kilhan. 



  1. Can you introduce yourself and tell us a bit more about you and what you do in life?

My name is Kilhan, I'm a quarter of a century young! At the moment, I live in Portugal where I eat a lot of Pastel de Nata, even though I've never been a big fan of sweets. I work part-time at a cinema camera rental place with lively Portuguese folks, so I don't understand much of what they say, even after living in Portugal for 2 years... I'm starting my studies in forestry engineering and natural resources. Right now, I really enjoy spending my money on buying old used lamps at the flea market.

  1. What are your passions, hobbies, and aspirations?

Coming from Belgium, I've always been drawn to everything that isn't found in Belgium... Especially the ocean; the North Sea is okay, but it lacks a bit of life and color. Although Knokke is still quite colorful with all those pink, blue, and green polos. I would say that everything I do in life could be considered a hobby for some, but I'm really into stretching at the moment.

  1. Tell us about your journey as a videographer. How did you become passionate about creating videos?

My sister and I used to play a lot with Barbies and small Star Wars figurines. We would invent stories, create sets, and imagine lives through these plastic pieces. We could control the lives of others. And then, there's my dreamy side. In my films, I can invent my own imaginary world and make it a little closer to reality. 

So I went to Cornwall, to Falmouth to be precise. A small fishing village on the coast of England's south-west peninsula, where the Atlantic Ocean and high black and green cliffs intermingle. A beautiful place, with rich and abundant vegetation to inspire artists.

I didn't know much about cinema, and even less about experimental cinema. I was lucky enough to have Mark Jenkin and Rachael Jones as tutors for my final year project, two great artists and directors of renown who passed on to me the passion I have for cinema.


  1. What inspires you the most in your work as a videographer? Are there directors or videographers who have influenced your style?

Cinema is the seventh art, but it's also the art that brings all the arts together. But not just art, it's also anthropology, philosophy, so many things. As Godard said, "Photography is truth, and cinema is truth 24 times per second." To be a good filmmaker, you have to question everything. It would be a shame to list these directors, but Marco Ferreri's "Dillinger Is Dead" is a beautiful representation of our current society.


  1. Speaking of style, how would you describe your visual signature as a videographer? What are the characteristics that make your videos recognizable?

I was first introduced to the film development process by my mentor, director Mark Jenkin. The approach, quite different from today's cinema, seemed more organic. Mark not only introduced me to the 16mm and 8mm medium and manual development but also various techniques using organic materials to develop the film, like coffee. This method encourages production, experimentation, and the dissemination of analog processes based on materiality and tactility, due to the importance of preserving a vanishing practice.


  1. How long have you known INDEE, and what are your impressions of the brand?

I've known INDEE since birth! Not to make you feel old, but the 2 founders of INDEE have known me since I was a little fetus in my mother's womb. INDEE is like a big family. Everyone on the team is either a family member of the two bosses or a friend of the family, or even young girls who wear INDEE. I've always loved what they do; they hasve extremely good taste, and I think a lot of my artistic influence comes from there.


  1. How do you perceive the impact of your videos on our brand image and our customers?

I really appreciate the human touch at INDEE; they are very close to their customers. There's a human aspect that we're losing more and more with technological advancements. I love that INDEE works with young girls who appreciate the brand. The fashion industry is quite unique and also quite opposed to my values. I try, with my short films, to push back against the caricature of the model woman seen on runways or in ads for big brands and to give a more real and childlike aspect to fashion. It's a kind of satire on fashion films.


  1. Do you have dreams or future projects as a videographer? Is there a type of project you'd like to do but haven't had the opportunity to yet?

I'm currently developing my first feature-length documentary, which is about the alienation of a very particular individual who lives on the rooftops of Rome. Alternatively, I hope that INDEE will rehire me for their next collection. Sometimes, I tend to go a bit far with my videos.


  1. Lastly, how do you feel about your contribution to the team and the brand? What is the most important thing for you in this collaboration?

My contribution is to bring the beautiful outfits to life while staying true to INDEE's message. But above all, it's about having a great time with people I adore and who will forever be a wonderful extended family!